According to different studies like ORAMED (Optimization of RAdiation protection of MEDical staff), extremity dosimetry is mostly used in Interventional radiology and nuclear medicine. The worker in those fields are the most exposed.
LANDAUER introduces the JUPITER® dosimeter. This ring dosimeter allows you to reconcile wearing comfort, hygiene and reading performance thanks to OSL technology.
In 2010, several studies showed that up to 20% of the workers in nuclear medicine were likely to receive more than the legal dose limit for the extremity of 500 mSv per year. Thanks to more awareness brought by RSO and passive dosimetry, the number of worker exceeding regulatory limits has decreased lately.Moreover, Radiation Safety Officers feedback shows that hygiene and comfort are very important features for ring dosimeters to be worne.
Discover JUPITER, OSL ring dosimeterThe JUPITER is a passive ring dosimeter compatible with OSL technology. It measures X-rays, gamma rays and beta radiation. Made of shape memory polyethylene, it fits perfectly to the shape of your finger:
The only one-piece ring dosimeter on the market To ensure easy cleaning and disinfection, the ring is one-piece, with no corner or gap. |
JUPITER – OSL Ring dosimeter OSL dot sealed in the ring Colors according to wearing periods |
When measure radiation for extremity?
Ring dosimetry are advised whenever staff are likely to be exposed on the rings, hands or feet. This is especially frequent for worker manipulating radioactive sources or medical staff working in the vicinity of X ray generators.
Hence, extremity dosimetry is often required during the following fields:
In the Nuclear medicine, there are a total of 3,800 known radioisotopes, and their application in medicine has advanced such that 200 of them are used on a daily basis.
Is is therefore important to use a dosimeter which can monitor a wide range of energy for both photon and beta radiations.
Extremity dosimetry can be performed either with an JUPITER ring dosimeter or with an IPLUS® wrist dosimeter.
The former is often more accurate when the fields are heterogeneous.
Since the finger is often very close to the source, the ring dosimeter should be placed on the most highly exposed finger and facing the source. They are generally worne below surgical or lead gloves.
Extremity dose should be estimated using Hp(0.07) type tested dosimeters.
OSL MP7 detector
This ring uses a novel near tissue equivalent MP7 OSL sensor. The OSL material is made from Aluminium oxide doped with Carbon (Al2O3:C).
The dose is measured using the OSLR readers.
The read out process uses a LED (Light Emitting Diode) to stimulate the detectors. The light emitted by the OSL material is measured by a photomultiplier tube (PMT) using a high sensitivity photon counting system.
The amount of light released during optical stimulation is directly proportional to the radiation dose.